Sunday, August 05, 2007

Projects of the day


wsdlpull is a C++ web services client library. It includes a WSDL Parser,a XSD Schema Parser and Validator and XML Parser and serializer and an API and command line tool for dynamic WSDL inspection and invocation.

wsdlpull comes with a generic web service client.Using wsdlpull's wsdl tool you can invoke most web services from command line without writing any code like this!!

Invoking the popular stock quotes web service and the currency exchange services

wsdl getQuote SYMBOL
wsdl getRate "United States" India
Get the local time in you city

wsdl getCityTime Tokyo
Or a more complex google search whose wsdl is included in the test directory.Get the first 5 google search results for 'wsdlpull'

wsdl GoogleSearch.wsdl doGoogleSearch "****license-key****" wsdlpull 1 5 0 1 1 1 1 1

Get a dictionary/thesarus on your command line

wsdl DefineInDict wn thesaurus
wsdl DefineInDict moby-thes thesaurus


vlock is a program to lock one or more sessions on the Linux console. This is especially useful for Linux machines which have multiple users with access to the console. One user may lock his or her session(s) while still allowing other users to use the system on other virtual consoles. If desired, the entire console may be locked and virtual console can be switching disabled.


Logapp is a wrapper utility that helps supervise the execution of applications that produce heavy console output (e.g. make, CVS, and Subversion). It does this by logging, trimming, and coloring each line of the output before displaying it.

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